Formerly known as Coffeeshop "The Crow," the establishment has been rebranded as Amnesia under new ownership.
While the new owner is friendly, there isn't a wide variety of strains available, and nothing particularly noteworthy stands out.
The shop recently reopened, and if there have been any changes or updates since then, your input would be appreciated.
Situated in the antique quarter, it's located in a pleasant shopping area with several nice restaurants nearby. Feel free to leave any comments or updates below.
Check the comments about coffeeshop Amnesia in the comments section at the bottom of the page!
Hooikade 6
2514 BH Den Haag
latitude/longitude 52.08505, 4.313504
Open: 11.00 - 01.00 hours
Cannabis Coffee Shops near me by City:
Coffee shops near the borders with Belgium and Germany often have restrictions on allowing tourists. To enter and purchase cannabis, you must either be a Dutch citizen or be employed in the Netherlands.
If you're temporarily working or studying in the country, you can obtain proof from the city council and request a GBA Extract (GBA-Uitreksel). This documentation will help demonstrate your eligibility to access these establishments.