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Coffeeshop Free - 1

Coffee shop Free1 offers a cozy and quaint experience in a two-level building with typical 1900s Amsterdam architecture. The downstairs area features a cozy smoking room where you can relax while enjoying good music.


This coffeeshop attracts many locals, so finding a spot by the window might be a bit challenging at times, but if you manage to snag one, you'll be treated to a delightful view. The staff is friendly and welcoming, ensuring that cannabis tourists feel right at home.

Coffeeshop Weedshop Free1 Amsterdam
Coffeeshop Free 1 Amsterdam

Overview of coffeeshop Free - 1 and visitor reviews & ratings:

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Address & Opening Hours:

Reguliersdwarsstraat 70

1017 BK Amsterdam

latitude/longitude 52.366062, 4.893254


Open 7/7

10.00 - 01.00 Hours

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Pricing Cannabis:

Regular prices apply for a nice selection of weed strains and some Moroccan hash at Coffee shop Free1.

Coffeeshop & Cannabis Reviews and Comments:

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